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Wie Schmuck und Wertschätzung zusammenpassen – mit unserer fejnen Special Edition einfach mal „Danke“ sagen

How jewelery and appreciation go together – just say “thank you” with our fejnen Special Edition

Wie Schmuck und Wertschätzung zusammenpassen – mit unserer fejnen Special Edition einfach mal „Danke“ sagen

How jewelery and appreciation go together – just say “thank you” with our fejnen Special Edition

In recent years, and especially during the Corona pandemic, topics such as 'mental load' and 'equal care' have increasingly come into the focus of society as the everyday burden of people doing car...

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Nachhaltige Verlobungsringe: für immer dein - forever fejn

Sustainable engagement rings: yours forever - fejn forever

From now on, your 'yes' to love with a fair and ecological engagement ring from fejn jewelry is timeless and even more sustainable - in two senses. Your love should last forever and everyone can se...

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Wie wird eigentlich nachhaltiger Schmuck produziert? – Nachhaltigkeit trifft auf Tradition und Moderne

How is sustainable jewelry actually produced? – Sustainability meets tradition and modernity

The fact that traditional jewelery craftsmanship abroad, high-quality design in Cologne and global, responsible action are not mutually exclusive is a basic requirement for fejn jewelry in the prod...

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Women support women - Spende zum internationalen Frauentag

Women support women - International Women's Day donation

Fejn jewelry is a female led business that consists of 100% female employees. We would like to make the female support for equality and fair working conditions that we live among ourselves in Germa...

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Schmucktrends 2023

Jewelry trends 2023 - always up to date with fejn

The first weeks of the new year 2023 are over and there are already clear trends for your jewelry box. Our minimalist jewelry is timeless - but that's exactly why it's all the more suitable to be u...

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nachhaltiger schmuck zertifiziert

Our sustainability promise is now RJC certified!

Flawless: fejn promise is RJC-certified! Good news for all sustainability heroes: As one of the first German jewelry labels, fejn jewelry receives RJC certification for its sustainability promise...

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GOLDEN WEEK - wir setzen uns für einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit der Ressource Gold ein

GOLDEN WEEK - we are committed to the sustainable use of gold as a resource

PROTECT RESOURCES. PROMOTE ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF INCOME. PARTICIPATE. That is the slogan of the Earthbeat Foundation, which was founded by Guya Merkle in 2013 with the aim of creating a future-ori...

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9 jewelry myths - fact or fairy tale? fejn jewelry enlightens!

All that glitters is not gold! Or does it? There are many myths surrounding jewelry and precious stones. Firmly anchored in our minds, they make us believe that pure gold is multicolored, that pre...

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nachhaltige schmuckproduktion

Sustainable jewelry production in Thailand – craftmanship with tradition

Designed in ourstudio in Cologne, the pieces by fejn jewelry are made in Thailand with a lot of love and genuine craftsmanship – in line with the highest sustainability standards. We are happy to s...

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dagmar kraemer founder fejn jewelry

Sustainable jewelry - an interview with Dagmar Kraemer

With recycled materials, certified production and a repair service to halt the throwaway mentality. The fejn jewelry founder explains: fejn jewelry is sustainable and manufactured under fair and e...

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