How much does an engagement ring cost - our guide for every budget
An engagement ring is more than just a piece of jewelry. An engagement ring is a symbol of your connection, of your love. It's clear that this ring should be something very special. But how much does an engagement ring actually cost? And are there engagement rings for those on a tight budget? We'll tell you what's important and help you make the difficult choice.
Engagement ring: How expensive does it have to be?
Clearly, there is no clear answer to this. Ultimately, you can of course seal your love with a ring from the chewing gum machine. However, if you want the ring to be a little higher quality and, above all, more durable and sustainable, it is advisable to spend at least a few euros more. At fejn, sustainable engagement rings are available from just 179.00 euros. The question "How much does an engagement ring cost?" depends largely on three factors: the choice of material, the stones used and the type of production . A handmade ring made of solid gold with diamonds is therefore of course more expensive than rings made of silver or without gemstones. If the emphasis is on " quantity over quality" during production, this can also influence the price - and the quality. The fejn range offers handmade engagement rings up to a price of around 1,800 euros. The higher-priced fejn engagement rings are particularly impressive due to one or more high-carat diamonds.
Factors that determine the price of an engagement ring
1. Material of the engagement ring
The material has a significant influence on the price of the engagement ring. At fejn, we only use sustainable precious metals. Our engagement rings are made from 14-carat, recycled solid gold. For some models, you can choose between yellow, white and rose gold. In short: the price of gold plays a decisive role in determining the price of the engagement ring.
2. The Stone
How much does an engagement ring with stones cost? Well, it depends! Diamonds are still the classic when it comes to engagement rings. Various aspects such as the carat size, the cut and the clarity influence the price. The fejn collection includes engagement rings with lab-grown diamonds between 0.01 and 0.8 carats. They are not only visually impressive, but also meet ethical standards.
3. The design
How much does an engagement ring with a striking design cost? If an engagement ring is made with a particularly delicate and sophisticated craftsmanship, this also affects the price. After all, a lot more time and loving handwork goes into an elaborate engagement ring. Purist models that are straight and clean often require less work and therefore also cost less.
How much should my engagement ring cost?
There is no general answer to the question "How much does an engagement ring cost?" A well-known rule of thumb is that the ring should cost one to three months' salary. But ultimately, your budget for the engagement ring should be designed in such a way that it suits you and your individual wishes.
At fejn jewelry you will find engagement rings in different price ranges to ensure that you find something special that fits your budget. Good to know: You don't have to invest several months' salary with us.
Price of an engagement ring – average and individual preferences
How much does an engagement ring cost on average? The average price of an engagement ring varies greatly and depends on your priorities. And of course your own budget also plays a major role. Germans usually spend between 500 and 1,500 euros on engagement rings. But in the end, what matters most is that the ring suits you and your significant other and symbolizes your love.
Differences between engagement ring and wedding ring
Traditionally, the engagement ring is presented by the applicant when the couple gets engaged, i.e. when they propose. However, some couples also decide to choose engagement rings together afterwards. In any case, for many couples, the engagement ring is usually a bit more conspicuous than the wedding ring. Engagement rings therefore usually have stones. But of course this is not a hard and fast rule. So every now and then couples do it the other way round - or decide that "more is more" is the case for both the wedding ring and the engagement ring.
Engagement rings and wedding rings are usually made of the same material so that they can create a wow moment when worn together after the wedding. However, it is not necessary to choose wedding and engagement rings in the same color. Some people particularly appreciate the bicolor look when engagement rings and wedding rings are worn stacked.
Tips for Buying an Engagement Ring
Set your budget in advance : Before you start looking, it's a good idea to think about how much you want to spend on the engagement ring. Ask yourself how much an engagement ring should cost and whether you would prefer to invest more in the material, design or stone setting.
Design and style : Think about which design best suits your better half's style. If both partners wear an engagement ring, it must of course suit both of their tastes. At fejn you will find a selection of rings ranging from simple, clean to more elaborate, delicate.
Individuality : Do you have individual requirements for the engagement ring? Then it is best to ask in advance about options for custom-made rings and the associated costs for the engagement ring. The size also plays a role - sometimes the ring just doesn't fit perfectly. You should therefore also clarify the costs of a ring size reduction in advance.
Sustainability : How much does an engagement ring that is made sustainably cost? Clearly, no more than conventional rings! By buying an engagement ring, you can not only make a statement of love, but also of the environment. Think about which aspects of sustainability are particularly important to you. At fejn, we attach great importance to sustainability . All of our rings are made from recycled materials and lab-grown diamonds. So if you want to make an environmentally conscious purchase, you've come to the right place.
How much does an engagement ring cost and how expensive should an engagement ring be?
As you can see, it is not that easy to answer the question "How much does an engagement ring cost?" The cost of an engagement ring depends on several factors - material, stone, design and workmanship all play a special role. However, it is not just how expensive an engagement ring is that is important, but that it suits you and your style. You should therefore definitely not choose an expensive ring just because you think engagement rings have to have a certain price. Minimalists in particular often like simple (and therefore usually cheaper) rings best. At the same time, you should not feel guilty about investing a little more in the engagement ring than is usual. If you or your loved one like a bit of bling, engagement rings with high-carat diamonds or multiple diamonds are perfect. You do you!