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single diamond ring | solid gold

Recycle Sign This jewelry piece is sustainably manufactured with recycled precious metals.
Sale price€199,00

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Color:Gold (14K)
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Furoshiki: €4,50
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Fejn Gründerin Dagmar Kraemer
Fejn founder Dagmar Kraemer

"We meet more than just minimum requirements - that is important to me as an entrepreneur!"

pure - solid - glamorous

Minimalistic diamond ring made for eternity! Clean and beautiful. The Diamond is lab grown and sustainably manufactured .

Did you know more matching designs are available in our the glamorous collection.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Wunderschöner Ring

Wunderschöner zarter Ring

Wunderschön fein und zart

Der Ring ist wunderschön fein und zart und hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen. Er trägt sich angenehm und glitzert dezent.

Anja Bihler
Dezent und besonders

Ring ist so schön, wie erhofft. Angenehm zu tragen, da die Ringschiene nicht aufträgt und drückt. Bin sehr zufrieden.

Steffen Lüben
Schönes Stück

Der Ring besticht durch seine schlichte Art. Einfach schön.

H. K.
Solides Handwerk

Der Ring übertrifft meine Erwartungen. Er ist edel und in höchster Qualität, zeitlos und elegant. Die fejn Auswahl ist großartig, für jede Gelegenheit und Preisklasse findet man einzigartige Schmuckstücke und dazu einen freundlichen, perfekten Service…toll!

single diamond ring by fejn - your sparkling, filigree diamond ring

Puristic elegance for eternity! The single diamond ring from fejn combines unagitated noblesse with a precious 0.015 carat diamond of ethical origin. Simply set and timelessly beautiful, the diamond ring in recycled 14 karat yellow gold is the perfect companion for urban heroines. Part of our the glamorous | solid gold collection, the solid gold diamond ring is stamped 585. The solid gold provides a high-quality look and durability. So the diamond ring in sizes XS to L can be worn day and night. At fejn, we produce all jewelry by hand and exclusively from recycled precious metals. The minimalist designed diamond ring is no exception: all materials used for production are socially produced, ecological and recyclable. Want to learn more? Check out our blog article all about the responsible choice of materials for all the details on our sustainable jewelry production.

single diamond ring from fejn - sustainable and precious

Ethically produced diamond rings - a contradiction in terms? Not at fejn! We know that the origin of many diamonds is unfortunately not as pure as their appearance: Inhumane conditions in diamond mining, child labor and exploitation in the commercial diamond trade. We want to do something about this! That's why responsible and sustainable jewelry manufacturing has been our top priority since day one.

Whether it's sparkling diamond rings, necklaces or arm pieces: For our fine jewelry pieces, we rely without exception on the processing of laboratory-grown diamonds. Not only are they indistinguishable from their natural counterparts in terms of appearance, they are also in no way inferior in quality. The big difference: unlike conventionally mined diamonds, which were already formed millions of years ago deep inside the earth, lab-grown gemstones grow to full beauty from an already existing diamond core. This is how real diamond rings are created without a guilty conscience. Perfect for urban heroines who want to make a sustainable jewelry statement. Where's the catch? There isn't one - firmly promised!

Interested in the topic of Laboratory Grown Diamonds? Check out our blog article on Laboratory Grown Diamonds to learn all about the innovative approach to diamond extraction.

A diamond ring as the perfect gift

Are you looking for the perfect gift for your best friend, your mom or your sister? Whether as a birthday or Mother's Day gift, the filigree diamond ring is perfect as a special attention. Have you been wanting to buy your sweetheart a diamond ring for a while, or maybe even ask her the question of all questions? Our single diamond ring is also ideal for this intention. The high-quality embedded diamond and the filigree ring design convince with restrained elegance. Thanks to a variety of possible combinations, the minimalist diamond ring is guaranteed to suit any wearer. The high-quality gift becomes perfect with the right packaging: our individually designed furoshikis are not only stylish, but also reusable.

If you want to surprise your sweetheart with a diamond ring but have no idea what size is right for her, the fejn blog can help. In our post about measuring ring size without a ring, there are tips and tricks for the secret measuring action. The presentee is rather a chain, earring or arm jewelry fan? For special gift occasions fejn also offers a large selection of high-quality accessories in gold and silver.

Filigree diamond ring for every look

Our single diamond ring creates an understated look that combines simple elegance with diamond glamour. Whether it's for date night or everyday office wear, this slim diamond ring will enhance any outfit and is easy to pair with other finger jewelry. If you want minimalist sparkle not only on your ring finger, but also on your neck, our tiny diamond necklace in solid gold completes the look. If warm gold tones aren't your thing, fejn offers a wide selection of filigree ring models made of recycled 925 sterling silver.

single diamond ring – a piece of jewelry for eternity

Damit Schmuckstücke wie Diamantringe möglichst lange Freude bereiten, ist ein pfleglicher Umgang mit ihnen wichtig. Wenn du unsere Pflegetipps beachtest kannst du dazu beitragen, dass dein single diamond ring auch im nächsten Jahrzehnt noch funkelt. 

Kostbare Schmuckstücke wie Diamantringe bewahrst du am besten möglichst luftdicht auf. Dafür eignet sich zum Beispiel die kleine Schmuckbox, die wir bei
Bestellung unserer Produkte mitliefern. Schmuck aus Vollgold, wie der single diamond ring, ist zwar weniger empfindlich als vergoldete Pieces, dennoch sollte im Sinne der Langlebigkeit sorgsam mit ihm umgegangen werden. Denn auch bei einem Solid Gold Diamond Ring nutzt sich die Oberfläche mit der Zeit ab. Verschmutzungen und Schweiß kannst du einfach mit einem fusselfreien Tuch entfernen. Bei hartnäckigeren Verschmutzungen kann ein Ringbad in mildem Seifenwasser helfen. 

Das Funkeln unseres solid diamond ring bleibt länger erhalten, wenn er möglichst nicht mit Kosmetik, Cremes oder Parfums in Berührung kommt. Auch Wasserkontakt kann die Langlebigkeit von Diamantringen beeinflussen. Lege den Ring mit Diamant vor dem Baden oder Duschen deshalb besser ab.  

Trotz aller Vorsorge ist dein dünner Diamantring defekt? Keine Sorge, unser Reparaturservice ist für dich da.