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Nachhaltige Hochzeit mit Glanz und Umweltbewusstsein

Sustainable wedding - how to combine glamour and environmental awareness

Nachhaltige Hochzeit mit Glanz und Umweltbewusstsein

Sustainable wedding - how to combine glamour and environmental awareness

Weddings are a time of celebration, love and togetherness. But in a world where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, many couples are looking for ways to make their wedding more eco-f...

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Welche Farbe passt zu Gold?

Which color goes with gold?

Gold jewelry is a timeless classic that makes our outfits shine with its warm shine. But which color goes with gold and how can the rich tone be best combined? Whether it's your skin type, the comb...

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Schmuckaufbewahrung Ketten

Jewelry storage for necklaces - this is how you keep them safe and secure

Now let's be honest: How often have you struggled with untying a tangled chain or freeing it from other pieces of jewelry? Probably not just once, right? But don't worry, you're definitely not alon...

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Wem steht roségold besonders gut

Who looks particularly good in rose gold?

Rose Gold: An elegant and feminine shade that has become increasingly popular in recent years. But who actually looks particularly good with rose gold ? In this blog post we get to the bottom of th...

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Die Magie einer Capsule Wardrobe und zeitloser Accessoires: nachhaltig, stilvoll, effizient

The magic of a capsule wardrobe and timeless accessories: sustainable, stylish, efficient

In a world where fashion trends change faster than we can see, many women long for a solution to their everyday wardrobe struggles. The answer could lie in the magical world of capsule wardrobes -...

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Gold und Silberschmuck

Gold or silver jewelry – which jewelry is right for me?

Am I more of a gold or silver type ? Which jewelry suits me ? Every jewelry lover has probably asked these questions at least once. But is it always necessary to decide between gold or silver jewel...

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schmuck zum brautkleid

Which jewelry goes with the wedding dress? - fejn jewelry

Which jewelry to wear with your wedding dress? fejn reveals it! The wish of all brides: Everything should be perfect on the most beautiful day of their lives. Of course, this also includes a fl...

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was bedeutet vergoldung

What does “gold-plated” actually mean exactly?

Gold jewelry & gold-plated jewelry in comparison Gold – for thousands of years it has been a symbol of beauty, wealth and elegance. So it's no wonder that pieces of jewelry made from the pre...

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Ringe die nicht abfärben Tips

Rings that don't rub off: tips for long-lasting jewelry enjoyment

Before the evening care routine, it's time to take off your jewelry! This also includes taking off beloved rings . But wait, what is that?! There is a greenish-dark shimmering imprint where the rin...

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Nickelallergie Ohrringe

Nickel allergy? These earrings are eligible!

Maybe you know the feeling: after wearing earrings your ears feel uncomfortable: it itches, tugs and maybe even bleeds a bit. Not a nice feeling. Sometimes the earrings may just be too heavy or ha...

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