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Eigenen Schmuck selbst wunderschön gestalten – so geht's!

Design your own jewelry beautifully - that's how it works!

Eigenen Schmuck selbst wunderschön gestalten – so geht's!

Design your own jewelry beautifully - that's how it works!

Whether it's a bracelet, necklace, earring or ring - people have been wearing individual jewelery for thousands of years. And never without a reason: while pieces of jewelery today tend to make a ...

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Ringformen und Ringprofile

Ring shapes & ring profiles – your guide from fejn jewelry

We at fejn know that a ring is not just a ring. And no, this doesn't just mean the distinction between the "normal" and the engagement or wedding ring. Because finger jewelry is available in countl...

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Was ist Echtschmuck? Alles, was Du wissen musst! - fejn jewelry

What is genuine jewellery? Everything you need to know! - fejn jewelry

Urban heroines know the problem: When shopping for jewelry in the city, the selection is huge. It is often not that easy to determine the quality of bracelets, rings, etc. with the naked eye and to...

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Vergoldeter Schmuck angelaufen – was kann ich tun?

Gold plated jewelry tarnished - what can I do?

Your gold-plated jewelry has tarnished and now you're wondering how to make your timeless favorite piece look stylish again? Many people know the problem! The good news: tarnished areas can usuall...

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Was bedeutet wasserfest oder wasserresistenter Schmuck? Fejn erklärt die Schmuckpflege im Sommer!

What does waterproof or water-resistant jewelry mean? Fejn explains how to care for jewelry in the summer!

In the summer, we all love to spend our time at the beach, soaking up the sun and exploring the crystal clear waters. Best with your gorgeous chain layering and ring stacking look. But while we foc...

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ring stacking trend

Ring stacking trend - this is the best way to combine rings

This summer too, when it comes to wearing your favorite pieces of jewelry, the motto is: more is more. In addition to chain layering, where you combine several chains with each other, ring stacking...

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Kette reparieren einfach gemacht - so gelingt es dir

Repairing chains made easy - this is how you can do it

Timeless, delicate chains like our fejn jewelry necklaces are meant and made to last forever. Because they are made from high-quality materials and sustainable precious metals , they are absolutely...

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Gold und Silberschmuck kombinieren - So gehts! - fejn jewelry

Combine gold and silver jewelry - Here's how! - fejn jewelry

Fashion minds differ on this topic: some feel that combining gold and silver jewelery is an absolute “no go”. Others love the mix of precious metals. But what is correct now? Can you combine gold a...

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nachhaltigen schmuck erkennen

Why sustainable jewelry has so many advantages

Sustainable jewelry from fejn jewelry More and more urban heroines agree: jewelry should not only be timelessly beautiful and of high quality, but above all sustainable. Because even if there are j...

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goldschmuck reinigen

How to clean your gold jewelry

  Cleaning gold jewelry - that's how it works Oh no! At the latest when your favorite pieces no longer sparkle when you look in the jewelry drawer, you know: It's time to clean your gold jewel...

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